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Alumni Association Members Act As Hostages For MCSO Crisis Training Exercise

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

March 25, 2022 - MCSCAAA members always stand ready to assist the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office any way possible, and a group of members helped stage a crisis training exercise in The Woodlands needing people to act as hostages. The full day exercise was staged at Stonebridge Church, and included the MCSO Hostage Negotiations team, MCSO SWAT team, their counterparts from the Harris County Sheriff's Office, and other local first responders. The training exercise was very realistic, with several members being taken hostage, while others were hiding from the bad guys and needing rescue, with others creating confusion by giving conflicting information to arriving officers, and the like. There were multiple situations in play all at the same time, including negotiations with the hostage takers, reports of a bomb, locating the citizens in hiding, safely clearing the building, and ultimately rescuing victims from one of the hostage takers. The action was intense and the stress level was high, all designed to give the various negotiation teams and SWAT teams a great day of realistic training. Many thanks to Gary Jones, R.T. Fitch, Paul Vitale, Chris Chippas, Darla Lawson, R.T. Smith, Tyler DeShano, Hailey Mahaffey and Michael Tuck for their participation as volunteers.

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